Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Its raining outside..

Howday! Urgh, today is Thursday oredy? Wow. Just feel that this week, the time is ticking so fast. Maybe im the one who didn't mention it. Too many activities been organize at school this week, and this busy mmt only end next week. Haha. Owh, what a day..tomoro Friday oredy. Hihi. Nti boleh la balik. Wakaka. Hamster in my peanut brain. Will meet you all tomoro my 3 lil hamster.

Here, heavy rain outside. Last week oso, 1 week non stop raining. Even on the last sports day, the athelete was playing with the rain on track. Haha.
Sadap kalau dpt tidur ni begini hujan. Haha.

I'm starving. My stomache can't stop rolling the drum. Neway, photo above was taken today,when i'm on my way back home,before the heavy rain. Urgh, lunch first. Dugalon sudah! Jadi sana dulu kamu.. Hehe


  1. Bh pigi makan la moi...alala ujan ja san aka..tamba sejuk la kan sana...

  2. beaty : adedeh, mimang hujan sadja sini ni tau...mcm dlm aisbuk suda di sa rasa...tapi teda apa...modop paling siuk..hahaha
