Hate 3 hour class!

Yesterday i was attending 3 hour class..mmmm...Duhhhh! I really hate for attending the 3 hour class! I feel so boring.. Yeah...The lecturer is lecturing the whole 3 hours...adeh!(penuh ilmu di dada kunun) hahaha.. Padahal buring tahap gaban...

the first 1 hour..

OKEH LA...still can concentrate on what is goin' on in the class..the lecture..and i still can adopt the lesson givin' by the lecturer..

the 2nd hour...

I start felt soooooo damn boring! What am i doin' then? --lukis2--kacau2--and my eyes can't stop lookin' at the phone...!!!!

the last hour

Alalala.....really CANT FOCUS to the subject..Hahahaha... I rather sleep than listening to the lecture...!and mayau akan msg tellin' me that she is HUNGRY..hahah...my stomach?-->mogok...lapar gak...because mayau is keep complaining that she is hungry...hahaha..mayau-mayau....menjangkit la penyakit lapar ko...seriously!

next time patut bawak bantal bila attend class 3 jam..ekekeke....sakit pinggang nak dengar lecture!Heran..napa mesti ada kelas 3 jam lamanya...Sedangkan budak kecil 10 minit jak bertahan dengar cikgu membebel...mmmm...so tired! Wanna sleep!


  1. you know what?..last week i was attending 5 hours lecture of professional driver...and just now in the morning till evening,it's another lecture again for workshop which is took 6 hours...sooooo...penat OoOo...huhuhuhu!!..tak ckup tdur ba..pas krja ja pgi trus direct p tu ceramah..hehe..

  2. hahaha..i can imagine how boring the lecture is...huahahaha...nasib ko la Toyong..heheeh..tp ndak pa professional driver lg tu..hihi

  3. ya..skali sya drive tu kreta mengikut teori yg d ajar,mcm baru ptama kali pegang kereta o sya rasa..hahaha,,,pada hal dari darjah 6 lagi saya driving sampai skrng..hahaha

  4. hahahaha,sia teberak2 da mgkali o...dulu sia kana suru p start kereta,mcm mo telumpat tu kerita sia rasa ba..jadi sampai skarang sia ndak pandai mo drive kerita..men game kerita buli la..hahaha


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