Keep Remembering....

Hi guys....! What U been up to? hehehe.. dunno what am i goin' to "blabbering" here...just feel some kind of BORING nite tonite.. Uhhh...I miss my old time with my friends...When i keep remembering those times, its sometimes makes me wanna "HAHAHAHA" out loud...Heheh..ya...too many memories has been created while we were together..

Huhu...soira ma kopiruba kawagu...langadon tomod noh...hehehe...anybody wanna translates those words ka? Haha.. Waaah... Rojak la bahasa sini..haha...dunno la why...i just feel more comfortable using those kind of MIXING language..hahaha

What things i remember the most ah ? Ermmm.. let me list it down..ekekeke

1. The very OGULET students in class...haha..(MAJOR JAJAL woe...)
2. Hurm...the best hostel management era ever maybe..hahah(perasan...)
3. Ndak pandai malu!
4. Stage Show Faces.. ( i the one oso? )
5. Yg paling important WE ARE HEPI TO BE TOGETHER AS ONE during that time...huhu

I really miss them...
Fhew...o..late at nite oready..better stop bloging and go to sleep..nite all


  1. hi,small heart girl..hehe..oh ya??..nice kan that T-shirt..hehe..u want a copy for that?? i quiet??..hehe..tak mau kacau ko bha..nanti ada orng marah...haha...once u get in touch with me,then i reply u... :-)

  2. apa yg lawak ni??..hehe..cant live without coca cola ah...switch to Air Bunga la..haha..aku pun tak boikot barangan US ah...nanti tak dapat beli guitar2 yg bagus dri US..hehe..tak da cola da ka d kampus ko??..hehe


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