Just Blabbering.....

huuuu..its 4.06am oredy..

Cant Sleep lor...just thinking about something..adoooii..sooo disturbing la...!I keep thinking about what just happen today... (Huhu..nothing special actually..hahaha) Just let my self (mind / body / heart and Soul ) hurt. I don't know why i do this. Menyiksa diri Hahaha.....wa...i never thought that dis will happen. I don't want to believe it but IT JUST HAPPENED..Forcing my self for never put trust on that particular things but i just CANT! I saw it with my eyes..huahaha....lor..of course la i saw with my eyes..because im not BLIND...and of course my mind also are too genius in transforming data into my mind...Huhu..Wa....too emotional huh? Yes I am. (Am i ?) hahaha...I just don't want to act like those fuckin' HYPOCRITE.

Hu...if i could go to the top of the mountain with nobody's around me, i will cried out loud! I just wanna let all this stupid feeling go...<-psst: I'm Not into broken heart situation ah..haha I'm Just blabbering out. I got this one person. Dis person tell me everything (Rilly?) .. And yes, me and my STUPID mind Trust the person for everything what (he/she) just said..Gosh! I just found out the truth and I really UPSET. Dunno la why dis happen.Maybe the person just want to keep the past in (his/her) DAMN mind...Why dont (He/she) just tell me out the TRUTH? Wahhhh.. I dun care ba if the person tell me about the things,but i just found it myself...uhu...Maybe I CAN BE a SPY rite? Haha..Kidding..Lol...acting cool...am i hypocrite? No, i'm not. Because i'm doing it with one good reason.
But its okay la...Thanks God I have dis blog...tempatku mencurah segala beban di kepala Hehe...

Owh...dun wanna think about that stupid things.... No big deal at all...hihi...mmm...thinking about writing another song...but damn! Dun have an idea..
Idea ooo idea...where are you hiding? ... LOL... blabbering in this blogs...yehaaaa...This is my blogs so who cares..?? hehehe... latter la i write song. Gitar da d rumah jugak.....so cannot make melody o without musical instruments. I miss my guitar...huhu....

Dei...anawau noh...mato ku po di nga opodih noh. Siodop noh kanto ti..bah..modop oku po la....osonong susuabon...hehehe....


  1. nah..nanti ko buat lagu..saya mau dengar..hehe..

  2. neway, got song with "siou" tittle...haha...rekod d henpon jak...melody dia ndak sampat rekod...wanna hear?

  3. hehe takleh nak tido ke?..
    Haa apa kata unie jawab tag. Saya ada tag kamOo kat my blog. Sila jawab ye cik unie :p


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