life's so boring...

life's so boring la...attending class on Saturday

Lalala....i wanna sing all day long...don't care about what people may think or tought about myself :) geeeezzzz...who actually care? Haha

LOL...first time in my life(erm...dis year la 2009) attending class on Saturday morning..kuohhh! So boring U know..Started the class with multimedia presentation : about 30> minutes per group.. Haha.. Dunno la...Cant explain more..Then rest jap..pastu contnuing the lecture till 2 > pm...gosh...I think i'm the one who ACTing Sooo boring.. Haha..(Menguap pon lebih 10X...baru depan lecturer pulak tu) Huhu..kesian .. mayau gelak ja la...

owh...2.46am im goin to INDUK...ada keja sikit mo dibuat..n i've inform by the "BOSS"..she wanted me to go to INDUK doin' some ---- there..dunno what la..u fill in the blanks..Haha..huu..i'm so dissapointed actually..depresed also..ala...go to hell with those problems..IM STRESS OUT! huhu..

psst : why ah...other's ppl didn't want to understand you even you've been tryin' harder to understand them? And why other's ppl didn't want to believe what U say even if you just say the truth?
GOD,let me out of this ****. :))

Ok lar...mornin' oriedy..Wanna shut off the computer..n shut off my mind for a while..tomorrow continue la if i got idea...


  1. ba...mari la kunun kita sambayang...kau kasi sambayang la..hihi

  2. hi there... tomira kasi ;),ku akan selalu berkunjung d sini klo ada post baru nanti arr.

    salam kenal saya bulukun @ fredo :)
    harap kamu dalam happy2 selalu d samping kerja dan blogger ko seharian da bilang> :)

  3. Pounsikou bulukun...miramai2 tokou nopo boh...haha


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