so damn boring...

Wa....i am so damn boring...its 30 April's story...mmm...planning with the systemathic corp group member to present the e-hostel system this evening but owh..others group tell us that our lect is not free today...He canceled every appointment we just stay in the library..frozen like ice....and doing some task...configuring the network for the presentation purposes...actually our project manager do the configuration..hahahaha....we just look what he just doing..hihihi...

Woh....everything's just playing chronic in my damn head...dunno la...hahah..think about my lately thinking of writing some songs...stupid song actually..hahah..but my guitar oredy at home di Sabah lor...anyone can lend me your guitar? hmm....i'm askin my cousin to arrange the music here, i just playing with the coding and listening to the song,and the sound around me...the fan and everything.

The time run very fast...x sedar da 3 tahun bersama kawan2 di Skolah...everyone will lead their own way then after this....which crossroads will i take? woh...really miss every single moments with them...and always do miss the moments..we've come from every different culture,races and places...put together the trust and faith in our friendship..and i learn so many things when i with these batch..hahaha...Information System Management 06-09...IS221...

ni masa g tgk motoGP..hihi..amik pic ngan bas skola...hahahaah

ha...this picture is taken during the 'motoGP' tournament...hahah...berlatarbelakangkan bas sekolah...hihihi

busy b4 the Q-info race

ni time kitaorg buat Q-info Race...Kerjasama dgn PTAR...aktiviti mendebarkan...hahah..ada part yang peserta kena makan bread yang disapu ngan wasabi.....n minum air carrot putih..hahahah....lawaks...

ni family day IS221...tak larat mau upload suma gmbr..hahaha....mmg sgt best...penat tapi dapat banyak pengalaman dlm teamwork.

ni plak time kami main futsal inter-borneo d UPM kami la...hihi...adoh..da la..yg pting,every memories will remain forever here in my heart...


  1. pic family day tu dari kamera sape?..xde pun pic tu...owh sorok dari org ye..

  2. kan dapat dari shen...hahaha....mintak shen aritu..

  3. sapa lh gadis kiut yg peace di last pic tu!hahahah..owez miss u neq!nnt ak jln2 pi ranau lawat ko k!hehehe


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