Aku yang bosan

Tadi pagi bukak blog and baca update blogs kawan2...haha..and thanks to HARU hehehe...for such a nice entry..emoticons tu..aku pun try la..hahahamacam aku yg geramKIUT emoticons tu..

Hmm..da bbrp ari x update blog ni..xda idea nak update..idup pun kucar kacir...kadang2 rasa nak mampus ja..Hahaha..gila ka sewel aku ni..x tahu nak mengarut apa ntah..sbb aku tau aku akan mengarut bila da mula mengarut..

Aku rindu nak balik Rumah..Aku rindu gitar aku...nak nanges cam nie..tapi aku x balik..HAHAHA.padan muka aku sndiri...skrg sgt busy..malas main2 da..malas sakit2 juga dah...

Aku sakit mcm ni...aku x suka rasa mcm ni...tp org suka tgk aku sakit..nangis jetak tahu kenapa..mm..myb its my fate...fate? Yah..let it be..akhir2 ni aku suka sendiri dlm bilik..best...duh...blogging time training ni...and skg tgh boring la ni..huh...gtg...ada masa update lagi...
owh..bosan ngan ari2 yg mendatang!Bye all...Byeeeeeeeeeee


  1. janganlah bosan...

    cari kawan, ceriakan hari anda...senyum.

    hidup pasti bermakna...

  2. life is not that bad.
    it is hard at times.
    but if you want to see and let it be hard on you, then it will.
    you got all the power to turn it all around.
    enjoy every bits of problem you got.
    it make you wiser.

    the sweet is ain't so sweet without the sour dear!


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